“Anything that we are aware of at a given moment, forms part of our consciousness, Making conscious experience at once the most familiar and most mysterious Aspect of our lives”.
-Max Velmans and Susan Schneider.

The definitions of Consciousness: 
>the state of being awake and aware of ones surroundings.
>the awareness or perception of something by a person.
>the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world.

But my true question is; what is the origin of consciousness?

To cut or grow? my body, but is it my choice?
human rights? or are we just an object?
tell me, GOD.
the light of breath into life, growing in my womb.
spray paint on canvas
119,38 cm X 119,38 cm

There is now 5.25 trillion macro and micro pieces of plastic in our ocean & 46,000 pieces in every square mile of ocean, weighing up to 269,000 tonnes. Every day around 8 million pieces of plastic makes their way into our oceans.
spray paint on canvas
70 cm X 70 cm

Ocean Child
Madre tierra gracias por darnos tanto, madre tierra todas tus moleculas y criaturas son tan perfectas, eres el arte mas bello del universo, eres el ejemplo de un amor divino en infinito, no hay explicacion de como describir tu energia, en silencio nos amas dia y noche.
Madre tierra eres el paraiso que tanto describen como el cielo. Tus oceanos misteriosos, salvajes y libres como mi corazon, madre tierra eres mi inspiracion mas grande. Por favor no cambies.
Mother earth thank you for giving us so much, mother earth all your molecules and creatures are so perfect, you are the most beautiful art in the universe, you are the example of a divine love in infinity, there is no explanation of how to describe your energy, in silence you love us day and night.Mother earth you are the paradise that they describe as much as heaven. Your oceans mysterious, wild and free, mother earth you are my greatest inspiration. Please don't change.
Spray paint on canvas
100 cm X 152 cm
Root chakra
Courage, resourcefulness, and standing up to chanelling situations and adversity are harnessed by the healthy flow of energy in the Root Chakra. When the Muladhara is open and balanced, we feel safe, and like we belong in this world. This is the foundation for building self-esteem and self-worth.
Spray paint on canvas
75 cm X 115 cm

Pantone: Miami nights
Clean air is the main ingredient
You might have heard that pollution is the real cause of our gorgeous sunsets, but if that were true then New York, Los Angeles, London, and Mexico City would probs have the most beautiful skies ever. But they don’t. That’s because when there’s a ton of pollution, it dulls the sky’s colors instead of enhancing them. Myth busted.
spray paint on canvas
70 cm X 70 cm

7 seconds to death, but she reached out on me on time,
thank you for saving my life
spray paint on canvas
60 cm X 80 cm
The eye of the STORM; The eye is a region of mostly calm weather at the center of tropical cyclones. The eye of a storm is a roughly circular area, typically 30-65 kilometers (19-40 miles) in diameter. It is surrounded by the eyewall, a ring of towering thunderstorms where the most severe weather and highest winds occur. Hang on tight AMERICA.

spray paint on canvas
1,16 mX1,16 m

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