The third eye Portal
Majority of people on this planet are unconscious. They are living an illusion thinking its real and they have shut themselves off from their multidimensional nature. which means, they'll be pleased by everything thats meant to keep humanity asleep: media, entertainment, politics, porn, news, egoism, showing off, and anything that feeds the ego instead of the spirit. I call this vision the third eye Portal, a calling to self intuition, awakening, transformation, infinite divine love and connection. Is it safe?
Safe as life.
In my subconciousness I've enter other dimensions, any similarities or approaches, are just a coincidence, the living life is everywhere you breathe.

Every cell in your body comes from intentions of love.
Mixed media on Canvas
50 cm X 70 cm

Aliens in action
Mixed media on canvas
100 cm X 152 cm
In a spiritual context, the notion of abundance or plenty is less about material conditions, revolving instead (once basic needs are met), around an appreciation of life in its fullness, joy and strength of mind, body and soul. This is the cultivation of respect for the creative energy of the universe.
Mixed media on canvas
2.5 m X 1.8 m

I'm done with the club, take me to the SPA
show me love.
Mixed media on canvas
16 inch X 40 inch